Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Le Huy Vinh attended and delivered a speech at the event.

Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Le Huy Vinh attends the event.

Addressing the ceremony, the Institute’s head Major General Nguyen Hoang Nhien confirmed that over the past four decades, the journal has always embraced the Party’s guideline and operated in accordance with its principles, purposes, functions, duties, political orientations, the laws on press and publication, importantly contributing to the study of history in general and military history in particular and the building of the revolutionary, standardized, elite, gradually-modernized Vietnamese People's Army.

An overview of the event

In its development journey, the Military History Journal has published articles by nearly 6,600 authors in 369 issues. Some columns have become the journal’s signature, consolidating the journal’s prestige. Attentively, new research achievements, new documents on military history at home and abroad, especially the two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the U.S. imperialists published on the journal are valuable assets for military troops, historians and the people nationwide.

General Vinh and delegates touring an exhibition during the event

In his speech, General Vinh highlighted the development of the journal. Its monthly editions have been circulated widely in the military and throughout the country. Notably, it has international standard codes for serial publications and been included in the list of scientific journals by the State Council for Professor Title.

Regarding the future duties, General Vinh asked the journal to consolidate the editorial council with more specialists and harmonization of research fields, regions, military and civilian origins.

The deputy defense minister also urged the journal to closely team with agencies, units, research centers, academies and schools inside and outside the military to announce outcomes of military history research, and review of the war, practically helping the theoretical research work, practical review of the military history, and the protection of the Party’s ideological foundation, and the fight against wrongful viewpoints and denial of the history.

Together with renovating editorial, publishing process, the journal was asked to boost application of information technology, improve the quality of contents and forms, build a sustainable contingent of collaborators, and raise the journal’s staff’s expertise, and political stance.

Authorized by the State President and Minister of National Defense, General Vinh handed over the Second-class Fatherland Protection Order to the Military History Journal.

Translated by Mai Huong