During the ceremony, the Kien Giang provincial Military Command announced the decision to send troops to perform the task of the search and collection of martyrs’ remains in Cambodia, and assigned duties to Team K92 in the 2023-2024 dry season.

Mr. Nguyen Luu Trung presents gifts to Team K92

To fully prepare for the 2023-2024 dry season, the provincial Steering Committee 515 has directed the provincial military command to coordinate with relevant agencies and units to organize talks with specialized committees of Cambodia’s localities to effectively carry out the search and collection of martyrs’ remains. At the same time, the provincial military command has strengthened training activities to enhance troops’ physical strength and competence, and prepare enough personnel and vehicles for the duty in Cambodia.

Speaking at the event, Vice Chairman of the Kien Giang provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Luu Trung applauded the achievements obtained by Team K92 and the province’s armed forces over the past time.

Delegates bidding farewell to Team K92

He also emphasized the significance of the duty and required Team K92’s personnel to continue to uphold solidarity, overcome difficulties, well carry out external relations activities, and respect regulations on traditional culture and customs of the host country while training hard and mastering the Khmer language to successfully fulfill all assigned missions.

Translated by Song Anh