This was emphasized by Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army and Deputy Defense Minister, during his inspection of combat readiness at Brigade K3, General Department 2, on December 5.

Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong speaks at the working session with Brigade K3.

Reporting to Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong and the inspection delegation, Colonel Do Dong Binh, Commanding Officer of Brigade K3, noted that in 2023, the unit has continued promoting its traditions and excellently fulfilling assigned tasks, rightfully earning its place as one of the key units of General Department 2. Training activities have been actively implemented through effective measures, contributing to enhancing technical skills, endurance, combat readiness, and ability to undertake specialized tasks for their personnel. The unit has intensified exercises in defense and counteractions against riots, protests, and terrorism in designated areas.

Scene from the working session

Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong and the inspection team directly assessed the live-fire exercises, martial arts demonstrations, toured training models, and inspected the equipment used for training and visited the barracks of Brigade K3.

In his address during the inspection, Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong acknowledged the accomplishments of Brigade K3 and urged the unit to thoroughly implement and adhere to the resolutions of the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defense, and the Party Committee of General Department 2 regarding the leadership in fulfilling tasks in 2023 and beyond.

Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong presenting gifts to officers and soldiers of Brigade K3

The Chief of the General Staff emphasized the need for Brigade K3 to maintain combat readiness, complete the combat-ready documents, improve training quality, observe discipline, and prioritize high-intensity training in techno-tactics like in real combat that match mission requirements and the area they are responsible for. They should focus on field training, master military terrains, deeply engage in specialized tactical training, intensify participation in drills, and ensure safety in martial arts training.

The unit should also address welfare and policies for troops effectively, while promptly understanding soldiers' thoughts and ensuring their physical and mental well-being to help them be confident in their work and foster the unit cohesion.

In conclusion, the Chief of the General Staff required the unit to concentrate on effectively summarizing the activities of 2023, rigorously assessing strengths and weaknesses, and excellently accomplish all tasks in the forthcoming years.

Translated by Trung Thanh