Major General Nguyen Hong Thai, Commander of Military Region 1, also attended the working session.

During the visit, Gen. Cuong and the delegation checked the combat readiness, force regularity building, and personnel training of some units of Division 3. The delegation identified strengths and weaknesses of the personnel and units and demanded the Division's officers to continue to study and improve their qualifications in all aspects. They also asked the unit to organize strict training to ensure that troops understand all contents, master techniques and tactics, contributing to performing any assigned tasks.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Tan Cuong is welcomed by commanding officers of Military Region 1 and Division 3.
The Ministry of National Defense delegation in a joint photo with the unit's leaders

After the practical inspection and listening to the unit's report and the delegation members' opinions, Gen. Cuong acknowledged that the Party Committee and Chain-of-Command of Division 3 had directed affiliate agencies and units to educate and thoroughly raise political awareness of troops, maintain combat readiness at all levels, and prepare forces and vehicles for natural disaster prevention and search and rescue missions.

The division also focused on good preparation in all aspects, full training in accordance with identified plans, and checked the completion of all training subjects with good or excellent results, and the percentage of troops participating in training was 98.9 percent or higher. The Division directed and participated in exercises in accordance with plans with good results concerning techno-tactics, ensuring absolute safety.

Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong inspects a tactical training session at Battalion 1 of Regiment 2 of Division 3.
Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong inquires after a troop.
The defense leader inquires after the unit's troops.

In conclusion, Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong praised the Division's outstanding achievements in implementing military and defense tasks in 2022 and the first quarter of 2023. He also identified the remaining limitations and required that the Party Committee and Chain of Command of the Division find effective solutions to overcome them.

In the coming time, the Chief of the General Staff asked the unit's Party committees and chains of command at all levels to deeply understand the guidelines and resolutions of the superiors, especially Resolution No.1659-NQ/QUTW issued on December 20, 2022, by the Central Military Commission, to ensure the division's successful implementation of its assigned tasks.

Translated by Trung Thanh