In this exercise, participating forces practiced shifted to a higher-level combat readiness posture, made preparations for combat, and conducted the operation. 

The exercise aimed to raise capabilities of the commanding officers and participating agencies and units in performing all three designed scenarios; and evaluate the outcomes of the training, combat readiness practice, maneuverability, coordination, and handling of situations of troops. The results of the exercise will help units perfect their combat determination and plans in close attachment to task requirements in the new situation.

During the exercise, units followed closely the set plan, coordinated, observed the commanders’ orders, mastered weapons and technical equipment, and dealt with situations on map and in the field flexibly, creatively, effectively, and closely to real conditions.

With thorough preparations and close coordination of the participants, the exercise was wrapped up successfully, meeting all set targets, ensuring absolute safety.

Officers and soldiers practice landing at the designated position
Firepower team of Battalion 563 annihilates targets.
A target is downed.
Troops complete the field contents.

Translated by Mai Huong