Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army Senior Lieutenant General Ngo Minh Tien, who is also the head of the competition’s organizing panel, attended the opening ceremony.

Senior Lieutenant General Ngo Minh Tien speaks at the event.

Deputy Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education Le Hai Binh; Vice Chairman of the National Assembly’s Council of National Defense and Security Lieutenant General Nguyen Hai Hung; Head of the Department of Militia and Self-Defense Forces Lieutenant General Pham Quang Ngan; together with representatives of relevant units and organizations were also present at the event.

The contest attracts the participation of 82 outstanding contestants representing tens of thousands of officers in charge of militia and self-defense work as well as millions of members of the militia and self-defense forces across the country.

Delegates at the event

It aims to raise the competitors’ awareness of the Law on Militia and Self-Defense Forces and responsibility of functional agencies and officers at all levels in this field.

Accordingly, they will compete at two events: Knowledge on the Law on Militia and Self-Defense Forces and Shooting. In addition, those who are heads of militia and self-defense agencies of military regions, the Hanoi Capital Command, and the Vietnam People's Navy will build and report their plans to expand militia and self-defense forces in their own units.

Addressing the event, General Tien affirmed that this is an occasion for the participants to share experience and get more knowledge to raise quality and effectiveness of the work.

He also requested the organizing panel to promote their responsibility to effectively organize the contest with absolute safety, while asking the participants to well accomplish the exam contents with political responsibility and high determination.

The contest takes place from July 13 to 15.

Translated by Minh Anh