During the two-day event, recruits and instructors from ten units of Military Region 3’s armed forces competed in military, political, logistical, and technical contents. In particular, they demonstrated skills of using grenades, explosives, and AK rifle; tactics; line-up regulations ability and physical strength. They also showed their knowledge and skills related to political, logistical, and technical work.

With their high determination, solidarity, pro-activeness, and enthusiasm, participating teams completed all contents of the competition. The organizing panel presented first, second, and third prizes to teams of Regiment 8 of Division 395, battalions under Division 395, and Regiment 244 of the Quang Ninh provincial Military Command, respectively.

Below are photos of the competition.

Deputy Commander of Military Region 3 Major General Luong Van Kiem speaking at the opening ceremony
Recruits practicing line-up regulation content before the competition
Troops performing their skills of using explosives
Placing explosives to destroy target
Recruits showing the skills of using grenade
They are confident to show AK shooting skills.
Recruits performing weapon management content
In the 100m race content
Troops carrying out first aid provision content

Major General Nguyen Duc Dung, Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff of Military Region 3, presenting rewards to teams with outstanding achievements in the competition

Translated by Tran Hoai