At the event

On hearing reports about the border guard force’s implementation of military, defense, and Party building missions over the past time, Gen. Cuong stressed that the whole military’s achievements over the past time have partly attributed to efforts of border guard troops, especially those in frontline and border areas. They have patrolled and guarded around the clock, actively consolidated political basis, strengthen socio-economic development in border areas, and built a strong whole people’s border defense posture, contributing to firmly safeguarding national sovereignty. 

Gen. Cuong requested the border guard force to continue to thoroughly grasp and strictly implement the Party's directives and resolutions and State's policies and laws on ensuring national defense and security, especially the Resolution of the eighth plenum of the 13th Party Central Committee on the strategy to protect the Fatherland in the new situation, the Politburo’s Resolution No.33-NQ/TW on the national border protection strategy, and the Vietnam Border Guard Law, and relevant legal documents. He urged the force to deeply grasp the direction of Party General Secretary and Secretary of the Central Military Commission Nguyen Phu Trong on the vanguard role of the military in general and the border guard force in particular.

The Chief of the General Department of Political Affairs noted that the border guard force should continue to well implement mass mobilization work and uphold the spirit of "Posts are home, border is homeland, ethnic minority people are brothers.” Border guards were urged to strengthen coordination with agencies, sectors, and forces to create a breakthrough in crime prevention and control; promote the application of information technology, reform of administrative procedures, digital transformation; improve quality and efficiency of border exit and entry management and control; strengthen the close relations with local people.

Gen. Cuong emphasized that the border guard force should seriously and effectively actualize the conclusions of the Minister of National Defense at a recent working session with the unit on key tasks in 2024, and in the short-term foster coordination to prepare for the 8th Vietnam-China Border Defense Friendship Exchange.

Translated by Tran Hoai