The exchange is a good chance for young officers of Vietnam and India to boost mutual understanding and share experience in task performance.

Col. Nguyen Quang Huy, head of the Vietnamese delegation, at the visit to the College of Military Engineering, Pune
The Vietnamese young officer delegation introduced to the school’s activities

On June 21, young officers of the Vietnam People’s Army visited the College of Military Engineering, Pune, during which the two sides exchanged experience, talked about similarities and differences in training and measures to enhance the role of young officers in military building. These helped increase understanding between young officers of the two militaries.

Colonel Nguyen Quang Huy, Deputy Head of the Military Youth Advisory Board and Head of the Vietnamese young officer delegation, said that over the past time, the exchange between young officers of Vietnamese and Indian militaries have received attention from the two defense ministries.

Meeting with the school’s leaders
Vietnamese young officers visit the school’s campus.
Visiting the space displaying bombs and mines in the school

He hoped that on the basis of the nations’ fruitful defense relations, the school would increase scholarships for Vietnamese young officers, thus enhancing education and training cooperation between the two militaries.

According to the school’s representative, the school would create conditions for Vietnamese trainees to study there.

At the working session, the two sides agreed that young officers of Vietnam and India would be the key and an important bridge to deepen the friendship and strengthen the cooperation and trust between the two countries in general and young officers of the two militaries in particular.

Vietnamese young officers introduced to the school’s products
The hosts and guests in a group photo

During the visit, the Vietnamese delegation toured the Department of Combat Techniques, the Department of Geospatial Sciences, and Sailing Training Center and heard introduction about the school’s hi-tech science products.

Such annual exchange has been helping consolidate and cultivate the friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

The delegation of Vietnamese young officers will visit other academies and schools of the Indian military in Pune city.

Translated by Song Anh