The event was co-chaired by Deputy Head of the Military Youth Advisory Board Senior Colonel Tran Huu Dung and Major General Yang Cunshe, Political Commissar of the Research Institute of Political Affairs of the China’s Institute of Military Science.

A view of the event

Speaking at the event, Sr. Col. Dung said that practical contents discussed at the event would help strengthen exchange and mutual understanding between young officers of the two countries. The discussion facilitated the sharing of information and the exchange of experience in different fields and activities of the two militaries, contributing to realizing the aspiration of maintaining peace and stability for the development and prosperity of the two nations and peoples in particular and the region and the world as a whole. 

The young Vietnamese officers at the event
The young Chinese officers joining the seminar

The head of the Vietnamese delegation suggested the two sides foster coordination in the coming time to effectively disseminate information to and educate young officers about the significance and importance of strengthening friendship between the two countries and militaries in the new period; foil hostile forces’ schemes aiming to sabotage the friendship between the two countries and militaries.  

Sr. Col. Tran Huu Dung speaks at the event.

Sr. Col. Dung added that the two sides should accelerate exchange of experience in education to enhance young officers’ political awareness, vigilance, and firm ideological foundation, thus helping them be more confident in the path towards socialism in each country. He also emphasized the need to raise the effectiveness of the annual young officer exchange, which is considered a good opportunity for the two sides to enhance exchange, cooperation, and sharing of working experience, thereby strengthening their mutual understanding and trust.

The head of the Chinese delegation Yang Cunshe

For his part, Maj. Gen. Yang Cunshe agreed on the proposal of the head of the Vietnamese delegation and expressed the belief that the Vietnam - China relationship nurtured by generations of leaders and people will further thrive.

At the event, the Chinese official named factors that facilitate the development of the Vietnam - China relationship. He said that Vietnam and China are socialist countries, led by communist parties. In addition to that, the two countries have had more than 1,000 years of cultural exchange. Furthermore, they are close neighbors, and both are developing nations with similarities. Last but not least, the friendship between the two countries, nurtured by former generations of leaders and people, is being inherited and further developed by the young generations of the two countries, especially young officers.

Vietnamese and Chinese officers voice their opinions at the event.

At the seminar, the two sides shared experience in carrying out youth work, personnel management, and grassroots party building in the military.

Before that, delegates paid a courtesy call on Maj. Gen. Yao Dangnai, Deputy Director of China’s Institute of Military Science.

The Vietnamese delegation pays a courtesy call on Maj. Gen. Yao Dangnai.

Earlier the same day, the delegation of young Vietnamese officers toured Division 3, during which delegates were briefed on the unit’s history, missions, organization, and weapons and equipment.

Young Vietnamese officers visit Division 3 in Beijing.

On June 18, the Vietnamese officers visited the Office for International Military Cooperation of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense and were briefed on China’s foreign and defense policies.

Reported by Dang Loan (from Beijing, China)

Translated by Tran Hoai