Viettel's youths (Photo: Vnexpress)

The group has implemented various strategies to encourage and motivate youths to actively participate in research and production. Furthermore, Viettel has maintained a framework for acknowledging and promptly rewarding top-notch initiatives and creative ideas.

Over the past five years, Viettel's youths have contributed more than 4,500 initiatives and creative ideas, generating over VND 500 billion in value. In 2023 alone, Viettel’s youths proposed nearly 1,000 initiatives and creative ideas, resulting in a value of over VND 150 billion. Many of these initiatives and creative ideas have been applied to Viettel's projects, products, and services, winning high awards in national and international competitions, and receiving intellectual property recognition with exclusive patents domestically and internationally. In 2023, Viettel was granted 56 exclusive patents.

Translated by Trung Thanh