During the ceremony, Viettel’s Chairman and General Director Major General Tao Duc Thang expressed thanks to the Party and State leaders, ministries, organs, and branches, and former Viettel leaders over the past time, partners inside and outside the country, and more than 120 million customers globally for supporting the group, helping it achieve such remarkable achievements.

Viettel’s Chairman and General Director Major General Tao Duc Thang

He affirmed that Viettel’s 35-year development is part of the nation’s 40 years of innovation. Viettel is proud to be a positive factor contributing to the development of the industry and the country. Vietnam, including Viettel, is together with the world in the 4.0 industrial revolution. This is a valuable opportunity and Viettel needs to grasp it to pursue aspirations, high goals, and pave the way for the future.

“We are committed to raising high determination to build Viettel, along with the country and people, making contributions to the government’s development of science and technology, innovation; and becoming a global high-tech corporation, a pioneer and key force in the country’s big transformations: digital transformation and green transformation,” added Major General Tao Duc Thang.

Viettel has become the largest telecommunications company in Vietnam, an important economic group of the country with a brand value of nearly USD 9 billion, honored as the most valuable telecommunications brand in Southeast Asia.

The Viettel’s chairman also noted that with big aspirations, in the coming time, Viettel will focus on seeking solutions to develop the largest and safest digital infrastructure with the most advanced technology; promote research, production, self-reliance, and master high-tech industry with dual-use so as to receive and fulfill all tasks assigned by the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defense and make contribution to the national cause of industrialization and modernization. At the same time, the company will get overseas investment capital payback in 2025; improve global competitiveness, contributing to affirming Vietnam’s position in the international arena; export its products to global markets; successfully build logistics infrastructure in the country such as logistics parks, smart border gates, supply chain systems, and international railways; build a modern management platform, focusing on training and developing human resources, meeting global standards; and promote solidarity among its staff.

These aforementioned targets will be the orientation and foundation to help Viettel go faster, go further, and determine its stature. That is also the most meaningful thanks to the Party, State, Central Military Commission, Ministry of National Defense, and all organizations and individuals for supporting Viettel. During its journey, Viettel will also continue to find new and more challenging goals for its development in the future, affirmed Major General Tao Duc Thang.

Translated by Minh Anh