At the ceremony, Senior Colonel Tao Duc Thang took over duty from Major General Le Dang Dung who has retired. Thang becomes the group’s 8th top position holder since its establishment in 1989.

Over the past 33 years, Viettel has experienced four stages of development and had three generations of leadership.

Viettel’s first generation of leaders were key technical officers of the Signal Corps. They found the way for signal troops to contribute their parts to the national development and develop Viettel.

At the event

Viettel’s second generation of leaders worked and grew together since Viettel started doing business in telecommunications services. This generation of leaders popularized telecommunications services in Vietnam and many developing countries in the world. They expanded Viettel's development space to the network security industry, the electronics and telecommunications manufacturing industry, the high-tech defense industry. They also contributed to helping Vietnam be on par with the world's technological development and taking the lead in building a digital society in Vietnam.

Senior Colonel Tao Duc Thang is a member of the third generation of leaders of Vietnam who take on the duties of leading Viettel in the context that Viettel is Vietnam’s largest industrial, technology and telecommunications group, plays a core role in the defense industry, and has nearly 50,000 officials and employees. Viettel Group is investing and doing business in 10 countries in three continents worldwide and contributes tens of thousands of billions of VND to the State budget on a yearly basis. In addition, it is the most valuable telecommunications brand in Southeast Asia and the 10th in Asia.

At the post handover ceremony, Senior Colonel Tao Duc Thang said that he was aware of his hard and glorious duties. He promised to maintain the pioneering and leading spirit, and the top position of Viettel in Vietnam and to continue to realize the aspirations of the previous generations, and at the same time open up a new development direction for Viettel, contributing to national development.

Viettel targets to build a digital society in Vietnam with a focus on building a digital government to better serve the people, a digital economy to make people richer, a digital society to make people happier, and ensuring cyber security for people to live and work more safely. The group will pioneer and lead users in new technology trends in the future. Notably, it strives to become a telecommunications, industry, technology group on a global scale and the nucleus of the defense industry and form a hi-tech manufacturing and research industry in Vietnam.

Senior Colonel Tao Duc Thang started running Viettel on January 1, 2022 according to the Prime Minister’s Decision No.2200 signed on December 25 by Permanent Deputy PM Pham Binh Minh.

Viettel’s stages of development

In the 1.0 era (1989-1999), it successfully built the first North-South optical fiber trunk line dedicated to the military, applying transceiver wavelength multiplexing technology on a single fiber with the longest length in the world (more than 2,300 km). It successfully erected the tallest antennas in Vietnam (125m) for Tuyen Quang Television, and Vietnam Television.

In the 2.0 era (2000-2009), Viettel universalized telecommunications and mobile services in Vietnam and took the lead in investing overseas with hi-tech.

In the 3.0 era (2010-2018), the group invested in hi-tech research and manufacturing, traded in telecommunications services in 11 countries in the world, and applied IT to all aspects of life.

In the 4.0 era (from 2018 to present), Viettel has taken the lead in building a digital society with the most cutting-edge technologies in the world, become a key economic group of the country.

Translated by Mai Huong