The first stop was Na Nua shack where President Ho Chi Minh lived and worked from the end of May 1945 to August 22, 1945. The next was Tan Trao banian tree located at the entrance of Kim Long village (later renamed Tan Lap), Tan Trao commune, Son Duong district, Tuyen Quang province. Then, they visited Tan Trao communal house where the National Congress was held on August 16-17, 1945.

MTA’s youths visiting Tan Trao special national relic site in Tuyen Quang province

Meanwhile, the MTA’s delegation visited Dinh Hoa Safety Zone in Thai Nguyen province. The delegation paid tribute and reported achievements to President Ho Chi Minh at his memorial house on the top of De pass, Phu Dinh commune, Dinh Hoa district.

They also toured Tin Keo relic site and ATK Dinh Hoa exhibition house which preserves nearly 400 documents and artifacts about the revolutionary life of President Ho Chi Minh and leaders of the Party and State during the resistance war against the French colonialists.

The delegation offering incense at the ATK Thai Nguyen special national relic
The delegation in a group photo at the memorial site in dedication to Youth Volunteer Company 915

Returning to Thai Nguyen city, the delegation offered incense to commemorate 60 fallen youth volunteers of Company 915, vowing that they would continue to further study and practice, stay united, and uphold the nation’s traditions to make the hometown and the country more prosperous and stronger.

The “root-returning” journey of the MTA delegation showed the deep gratitude of young generations to former generations. It was an occasion for the MTA cadres and youths to have a better understanding of the history and glorious traditions of the nation, thereby further studying and practicing to accomplish all assignments.

Translated by Quynh Oanh