On the occasion, the delegation inspected any trawler operating in the area. Accordingly, inspected trawlers have strictly observed IUU fishing prevention regulations; however, there were still some others violating regulations on administrative procedures. Functional forces then addressed the issue, while disseminating and educating the fishermen to raise their awareness of law observance at sea.

Checking Ships 4034, 4033 and other ships of the coast guard force, the delegation hailed the troops’ efforts in overcoming difficulties in the implementation of IUU fishing prevention. Gen. Oai also requested them to continue to implement all directives and orders of leaders at all levels, while closely working with functional forces to well perform their tasks, taking care of troops, and making thorough preparation for troops to have a happy and safe lunar New Year (Tet) holiday.

As the lunar New Year is just around the corner, Gen. Oai wished the troops a year of peace, prosperity, luck, and success.

On the same day, the delegation also held a memorial ceremony to commemorate fallen soldiers and fishermen laying down their lives on the Southern continental shelf of the country.

Here are some photos during the event.

Lieutenant General Bui Quoc Oai presents Tet gifts and extends Tet greetings to troops.
The delegation visits Ship KN-211 operating at sea.
Inspecting, disseminating information about IUU fishing and presenting gifts to fishermen
Offering incense and flowers in commemoration of fallen soldiers and fishermen dead on the Southern continental shelf of the country

Translated by Minh Anh