According to Senior Colonel Le Van Nam, Chief of Staff of the Thanh Hoa provincial Border Guard Command, the units and agencies, together with coastal localities in Thanh Hoa province, have implemented various forms of dissemination; maintained training courses on the Law on Fisheries; enhanced the popularization of information on mass media, social networking platforms; as well as distributed leaflets on law observance and IUU fishing prevention regulations to local fishermen, ship owners, organizations, and units related to seafood exploitation activities.

Distributing leaflets to disseminate information about IUU fishing to fishermen

In particular, Sam Son Border Post has worked together with the local authority to closely manage vessels’ fishing activities, ensuring that they maintain vessel monitoring system (VMS) tracking devices. Meanwhile, violations in fisheries have been handled as regulated.

Director of Thanh Hoa Fishing Port Management Board Le Van Thang shared that the board has collaborated with the province’s border guards and localities to regularly conduct law dissemination about the installation of VMS on fishing vessels and regulations on IUU fishing prevention to raise fishermen’s awareness.

In order to remove the European Union (E.U.)’s “yellow card” on Vietnamese seafood, the provincial Border Guard Command has given recommendations to the province’s Department of Agricultural and Rural Development to issue documents on enhancing coordination among relevant agencies and units to inspect and strictly handle violations.

Also, the command required its border posts to strictly control fishing vessels at ports and estuaries while closely teaming up with functional forces in the province and other coastal cities and provinces to monitor and manage fishing vessels and address violations.

Reportedly, Thanh Hoa province currently has 72 fishing vessels with a high risk of violating regulations on IUU fishing prevention, and it has reported to localities for further supervision and management. In September 2023, the steering committee on IUU fishing combat in Thanh Hoa province carried out three inspections of IUU fishing prevention work in coastal districts, communes, cities, and fishing ports in the province, as well as handled 76 cases of administrative violations in the fisheries sector.

Source: baobienphong

Translated by Quynh Oanh