Senior Lieutenant General Be Xuan Truong, Deputy Defense Minister, and leaders of the Military Region 1 and 2 Commands, General Department of Technique Affairs and Cao Bang provincial authorities and people attended the event.

In a solemn atmosphere, troops of the Department offered incense in commemoration of Uncle Ho and expressed their deep gratitude to the great contributions of fallen soldiers who laid down their lives for the national cause of liberation and construction.

Vehicles and Machinery Department pays tribute to Uncle Ho.

Over the past time, the sector has fulfilled its missions while ensuring traffic safety in the military. They were also tasked with preparing vehicles for important events of the Party and State, including parades, international and national conferences of the peacekeeping forces, among others.

Reportedly, the sector honored 50 groups and 35 individuals with noble titles. The Department will receive the third-class Military Exploit Order for its great achievements during the 2010-2020 period on March 26 in Hanoi.

On behalf of the Central Military Commission and Ministry of National Defense, General Truong acknowledged and hailed the great efforts and achievements of the department in particular, and the sector in general.

In the coming time, he asked the sector to continue embracing and implementing the resolutions of the 13th Party Central Committee and the 11th Military Congress, studying and following President Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style, and fulfilling all assigned mission, contributing to accomplishing the mission of building a standardized and modernized military.

Translated by Minh Anh