Senior Lieutenant General Le Huy Vinh chairs the working session with the Signal Corps.

Concluding the inspection, General Vinh acknowledged and highly appreciated the corps’ effective implementation of different contents and asked the force to continue to effectively carry out and complete the Ministry of National Defense-assigned missions on expanding military data transmission network and ensuring the provision of bandwidth to the hubs; foster dissemination of administrative reform and digital transformation; review and request competent authorities to amend, add, or issue related legal documents; simplify internal administrative procedures in the 2022-2025 period according to the Defense Ministry and Signal Corps’ plan.

Delegates at the event

In addition, the deputy defense minister asked the corps to regularly update and apply budget management software; strengthen digital transformation and develop e-Government; soon carry out digital signature app. and strengthen measures to ensure information safety and cyber-security for the corps’ information system. 

Translated by Tran Hoai