Reports delivered at the conference revealed that the Signal Corps has focused on comprehensively renewing political education contents and programs. Together with studying and implementing political education programs, the corps has paid attention to raising the quality of political teaching documents.

Major General Tran Minh Tam, Political Commissar of the Signal Corps, speaks at the event.

From 2011 to 2023, the Political Department and agencies and units under the Signal Corps have compiled hundreds of seminar topics and e-lectures to serve the corps’ political education.

An overview of the conference

It has also taken full advantage of its strength in communications and applied online methods to provide training for troops in remote areas, thus shortening geographical distance and saving time and money.

Its units and agencies have opened columns on political contents on its portals, built hundreds of e-lectures, and updated photos and videos on this content. Over the past 12 years, the Signal Corps has cooperated with other units to organize 96 refresher courses for more than 3,200 political officers at all levels and 52 contests attracting the participation of 1,448 officers.

The Signal Corps’ leader presents the Defense Minister’s certificates of merit to outstanding collectives and individuals.

Thanks to that, the quality of political education of the corps has seen improvement, contributing to its task accomplishment.

At the event, the organizing panel announced the decisions on presenting the Defense Minister’s certificates of merit to one collective and one individual and the corps’ Political Commissar’s certificates of merit to 11 collectives and ten individuals.

Delegates read articles in a column on political education on its digital platform.

The Signal Corps’ Political Commissar also handed over certificates of merit to individuals winning first, second, third, and consolidation prizes in the contest for political instructors. 

Translated by Song Anh