The event was also attended by Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong, Chief of the General Staff and Deputy Defense Minister.

Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang speaks at the event.

In a cozy atmosphere, General Giang applauded the discharged troops’ efforts and responsibility in implementing their missions, contributing to firmly safeguarding the headquarters and the head organs of the Ministry of National Defense. He underlined that two years in military service was meaningful for the troops to acquire military knowledge, enhance their physical strength and become more mature.

General Phan Van Giang talks to the discharged troops.

He asked them to continue promoting good virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers and traditions of the military and their units, mobilizing their family members and locals to follow the Party’s guideline and the State’s policies, and making great efforts to contribute to building their localities more prosperous.

General Phan Van Giang and Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong in a joint photo with the discharged troops.

Translated by Trung Thanh