The event was chaired by Deputy Chief of the General Staff Lt. Gen. Pham Truong Son.

Lt. Gen. Pham Truong Son speaks at the event.

Speaking at the celebration, Commanding Officer of the brigade Sr. Col. Pham Ngoc Hung recalled the unit’s glorious traditions. Established in 1974, Commando Regiment 198 (predecessor of Commando Brigade 198) made resounding feats-of-arms in the resistance war against the U.S. imperialists, in the Southwestern protection war and in performing international duties in Cambodia. For its outstanding achievements in combat, international duties and national construction and defense cause, Brigade 198 was honored with the title “Hero of the People’s Armed Forces.” Three collectives and five individuals of the unit were also presented with the same noble title.

Upholding the unit’s traditions, Commando Brigade 198 has stayed united to build a politically-, ideologically-, morally-, organizationally-strong brigade with courageous personnel; a healthy and strong Party organization and a comprehensively strong, “typical and exemplary” unit.

Lt. Gen. Pham Truong Son hands over the first-class Fatherland Protection Order to the unit.

The brigade’s troops have maintained a firm political stance; been absolutely loyal to the Party's ideal and innovation path; upheld good virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers and traditions of heroic commando troops, been ready to receive and accomplish all assigned missions. On April 25, the State President decided to present the first-class Fatherland Protection Order to the brigade in recognition of its outstanding obtained achievements in the new situation.

Addressing the ceremony, Lt. Gen. Pham Truong Son praised the outstanding achievements obtained by the unit over the past 50 years, requiring it to continue to promote the unit’s glorious tradition.

At the event, authorized by the State President, Gen. Son handed over the first-class Fatherland Protection Order to the brigade for its achievements in training, combat, the building of the force, and defense consolidation in the 2019-2023 period.

Translated by Duong Tuoi