While visiting the Indian Defense Academy, Deputy Head of the Military Youth Advisory Board and head of the Vietnamese delegation Colonel Nguyen Quang Huy congratulated the unit on its 75th foundation anniversary and expressed admiration for its history, development, and training activities.

Brigadier General Dinesh Kumar, the academy’s Commanding Officer, expressed confidence in the sustainable and profound diplomatic relations between the two countries in general and the military-defense relationship of the two militaries in particular. He also highlighted the command of foreign languages and competence of Vietnamese military students who are studying at the academy.

During the visit to Maratha Light Infantry Regiment, the Vietnamese delegates talked with the unit’s officers and soldiers and toured its training facilities. 

Commanding Officer of the Maratha Light Infantry Regiment Colonel Satwinder Singh said that though he has never been to Vietnam, he studied a lot about the history, birth, development, and combat of the Vietnam People’s Army. He stated, "I am very impressed that despite difficult circumstances, the Vietnam People’s Army grew up, fought relentlessly, and gained independence."

The visit and exchange activities of young Vietnamese officers in India have contributed to strengthening the friendship between Vietnam and India and enhancing understanding of young officers of the two countries about each other's country, culture, and people. It also helped raise their knowledge about the armed forces and foreign defense policies of Vietnam and India.

Below are photos of the Vietnamese officers' activities in India. 

Col. Nguyen Quang Huy (left) talks with Brigadier General Dinesh Kumar (center).
Col. Huy writes in the academy’s guest book.
The Vietnamese officers and the academy’s leaders and personnel in a joint photo
The Vietnamese delegation visits Maratha Light Infantry Regiment.
Troops of Maratha Light Infantry showing their skills
Young officers of the Vietnam People’s Army take a joint photo with Maratha Light Infantry Regiment.

Translated by Tran Hoai