A view of the exchange

The Thai delegation included 10 young officers and one air force attaché.

At the event, the Thai young officers were briefed upon the division's tradition, construction and development over the past more than 48 years as well as its major tasks.

The host and guest exchanged experience in pilot training, conducting search and rescue operations, and preventing and controlling natural disasters.

On behalf of the Thai delegation, the head delegate expressed the wish to further cooperate with young officers of Division 372 in particular and the Air Defense - Air Force Service in general.

He hoped that the two sides would enhance sharing of information, contributing to the fine cooperation, development and prosperity of the two countries, developing the relations between the two countries and militaries in a deeper, more practical, and effective manner.

The Thai delegation visits Division 372's Hall of Fame.
Division 372's officers and Thai air force young officers in a joint photo  

The exchange between young officers of the Thai Air Force and Division 372 of the Air Defense - Air Force Service of Vietnam was really a good chance for air force troops of the two countries to enhance solidarity and friendship as well as learn from experience, contributing to future cooperation.

As scheduled, the Thai delegation will have exchanges with some affiliated units of Division 372.

Translated by Song Anh