The meeting took place in an atmosphere of sincerity, friendship, cooperation, and mutual trust. Both sides reviewed the results of their cooperation in immigration inspection, border management, border gate operations, and cross-border crime prevention since the beginning of the second quarter of this year. They exchanged views on continuing law enforcement cooperation and enhancing exchanges.

An overview of the meeting
Heads of the delegations exchanging the minutes of the meeting

Both sides agreed to promote cultural and political exchanges to strengthen friendship between the grassroots units of both sides. The Border Station of Ma Lu Thang Border Gate (Vietnam) and Jin Shui He Border Station for Immigration Inspection (China) agreed to select and award the title of "Friendship Ambassador" quarterly to officers and soldiers directly handling immigration procedures at the border gate.

The Lai Chau provincial Border Guard and Jin Shui He Border Station for Immigration Inspection (China) joining a friendly football match

They also actively coordinated to advise local authorities on organizing the ceremony to upgrade Ma Lu Thang (Vietnam) - Jin Shui He (China) bilateral border gate to an international border gate and officially opening U Ma Tu Khoang - Binh Ha border gate.

Prior to the meeting, the two delegations participated in a friendly football match in Lai Chau City.

Translated by Trung Thanh