During the talks, the two sides reviewed their obtained outcomes in border management and protection over the past time. Particularly, both sides have closely coordinated in the management and protection of national borderline and border landmarks; maintained the implementation of the three legal documents on land border between the two countries, as well as the cooperation agreements signed by the two defense ministries.

An overview of the talks
At the signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding between the two sides

Meanwhile, they have maintained stability, security and order in border areas, creating favorable conditions for the two countries to boost socio-economic and cultural development, and raise people’s living standards.

The two sides have strictly carried out bilateral cooperation mechanisms; actively exchanged information via hotline; and held meetings and joint patrols, to name but a few.

The two sides present gifts to each other.

Also, both sides have worked together to prevent and fight against illegal activities of cross-border criminals, especially terrorism, human trafficking, smuggling, and illegal trading and transportation of drugs and weapons, contributing to ensuring security and order in border areas.

In the time to come, the two units agreed to continue to maintain regular talks and hotlines between border stations, and strengthen friendship exchange programs on the traditional events of the two countries in general and border forces in particular, while creating favorable conditions for the twinning ceremonies of residential groups in border areas, contributing to further tightening solidarity and friendship between the two countries and building a shared borderline of peace, friendship, stability and development.

Moreover, they should intensify information exchange, conduct search and rescue operations, help local people overcome natural disaster consequences, and give necessary treatment to ensure the safety of local people, among others.

Translated by Quynh Oanh