At the reception, the Vietnamese deputy defense minister confirmed that Vietnam treasures the partnership with the U.S. and considers the country one of its top partners.

At the reception

General Luong said that over the past time, the two countries have carried out a number of practical and effective cooperation activities in terms of settlement of war legacy in Vietnam. Notably, Harvard University and the U.S. Institute of Peace have made important contribution to the search, collection, treatment, and digitization of information related to Vietnamese soldiers who died, lost information, missed in action in the war in Vietnam.

The Vietnamese general asked the U.S. to continue to provide information and other documents on belongings of Vietnamese troops who sacrificed their lives, lost information and missed in action in wartime from different U.S. sources. In addition, the U.S. side was also suggested to call on organizations and individuals to share information and documents related to the aforementioned soldiers with the Vietnamese side. Moreover, the U.S. side should continue to share experience, support the Vietnamese side with training and technical supplies to serve the collection and repatriation of remains of fallen Vietnamese troops, and more.

For his part, Mr. Anthony Saich highly appreciated the outcomes of the partnership between Vietnam and the U.S., especially in defense, since the two countries normalized their relations.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Vo Minh Luong presents a souvenir to Mr. Anthony Saich.

The U.S. official emphasized the importance of the two countries’ collaboration in dealing with war legacy. He thanked the Vietnamese side for their uninterrupted support for search for U.S. servicemen missing in action in the war in Vietnam despite the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Translated by Mai Huong