The Vietnamese delegation includes 50 young officers from agencies and units in the whole military.

The Vietnamese young officer delegation in a photo at Huu Nghi International Border Gate in Vietnam

On the morning of June 14, Senior Colonel Zhou Tingchuan, Director of the Office of the Military Political Work Institute under the Military Science Academy of the People's Liberation Army of China received the Vietnamese delegation at Youyi Guan Border Gate in Guangxi province.

In the afternoon, the Vietnamese delegation visited the memorial house in dedication to President Ho Chi Minh and Longzhou Uprising Memorial Hall in Longzhou district, Guangxi province.

Sr. Col. Zhou Tingchuan receives Sr. Col. Tran Huu Dung.
At the visit to the memorial house in dedication to President Ho Chi Minh

In the evening, Major General Zhang Jiahong, Deputy Political Commissar of Guangxi Military Region, hosted the banquet for the Vietnamese young officer delegation.

Speaking at the event, Major General Zhang Jiahong expressed his belief that young officers of the two countries would further uphold the Vietnam-China friendship and promote friendship exchange activities between the two militaries.

The Vietnamese delegation visits Longzhou Uprising Memorial Hall.

* Within the framework of the exchange, the Vietnamese young officer delegation will pay a visit to the Military Science Academy of the People's Liberation Army of China; organize an exchange program and talks for the two countries’ young officers; and visit Nan Xishan Hospital, Yucai School, some agencies and units of the People's Liberation Army of China, historical sites and famous places in China.

Major General Zhang Jiahong, Sr. Col. Tran Huu Dung and the Vietnamese delegation in a joint photo

The Vietnam-China Young Officer Exchange is an activity to strengthen mutual understanding between young officers of the two countries; and educate them on preserving and upholding the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic partnership and the relationships between the two militaries and people.

Reported by Dang Loan (from Guangxi, China)

Translated by Quynh Oanh