Mr. Do Hung Viet, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Major General Vu Cuong Quyet, Director of the Ministry of National Defense’s Institute for Defense Strategy, led the Vietnamese delegation. Deputy Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs Michelle Chan and Deputy Secretary of the Department of Defense Hugh Jeffrey led the Australian one.

At the eighth deputy ministerial-level diplomatic-defense strategic dialogue between Vietnam and Australia (Photo:

During the dialogue, both sides were delighted at the fruitful development in the bilateral relations since Vietnam and Australia set up their diplomatic ties 50 years ago (1973-2023), especially after the establishment of the strategic partnership in March 2018. Meanwhile, they reaffirmed their significant role and position in each other’s foreign policies.

Based on the results of the recent high-level visits between the two countries, the two sides reviewed and agreed on major directions to foster the strategic partnership in a practical, effective, and comprehensive manner in the coming time.

At the dialogue, participants agreed to promote delegation exchange and meetings at all levels; implement activities to celebrate the 50th founding anniversary of Vietnam - Australia diplomatic ties, particularly those to strengthen people-to-people exchanges, culture, and cooperation connection, among others; and maintain the efficiency of cooperation mechanisms to further consolidate political trust and seek more cooperation opportunities.

Still, the two sides exchanged information and shared their views on strategic issues and international and regional situations of mutual concern, including Asia-Pacific regional architecture, Mekong sub-regional cooperation, to name but a few.

They consented to step up cooperation at multilateral forums such as the United Nations, ASEAN and ASEAN-led mechanisms, including the East Asia Summit (EAS), the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM+), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and the Asia - Europe Meeting (ASEM).

Australia affirmed that it will continue closely coordinating with ASEAN and supporting the association’s efforts in reinforcing intra-regional solidarity, narrowing the development gap, and enhancing ASEAN's central role in the rule-based regional architecture.

Delegates in a joint photo (Photo:

The Australian side confirmed its support for the settlement of all disputes in the East Sea (South China Sea) by peaceful means, on the basis of international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982.

It also underlined that both sides should maintain security, safety and freedom of navigation and overflight in the sea, seriously implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and build an effective, practical Code of Conduct in the sea in accordance with international law.

The two sides agreed to organize the 9th deputy ministerial-level diplomatic-defense strategic dialogue at an appropriate time in Australia.

Translated by Quynh Oanh