Engineering Company Rotation 2 welcomed by the Abyei Working Group

Their journey from Vietnam to Abyei was absolutely safe, and the whole members were in stable health conditions. The company was taken to Highway base and is about to receive duties handed over from the Engineering Company Rotation 1.

In Abyei, the Vietnamese peacekeepers were warmly welcomed by their international peers at UNISFA and local people and received enthusiastic support from their predecessors and members of the Abyei Working Group.

Engineering Company Rotation 2's personnel arriving in Abyei

Following the success of the Engineering Company Rotation 1, the Rotation 2 will perform peacekeeping tasks assigned by UNISFA Mission.

Senior Colonel Nguyen Viet Hung, Commanding Officer of the Vietnamese Peacekeeping Force at the UNISFA Mission, and Chief of the Engineering Company Rotation 2 informed that all personnel of the company reached the garrisoning area safely. The whole company was cheerful and excited, and quickly stabilized their accommodation. At the same time, they coordinated with the staff of the Engineering Company Rotation 1 to carry out handover contents, ready to perform their duties at UNISFA.

Right after arriving in the stationed area, the Engineering Company Rotation 2 held the first meeting between the Chain-of-Command and leaders of sections to prepare for the new tasks.

The first meeting between the Chain-of-Command and leaders of sections

Apart from receiving duties from the Rotation 1, the Rotation 2 will immediately start repairing and consolidating their barracks, and stabilizing the unit's accommodation. To keep them ready for the new tasks, the Rotation 2 are promptly repairing and consolidating the equipment, automobiles, vehicles, machines, among others, which were handed over by the Rotation 1.

Reported by Xuan Thinh

Translated by Mai Huong