The event drew the participation of a large number of domestic and international experts, officials from ministries and representatives of ICT companies, and mobile service providers.

According to figures released by the Telecommunication Department under the Ministry of Information and Communications, Vietnam had more than 17.2 million fixed-line internet subscribers and nearly 69.5 million mobile broadband subscribers at the end of February 2021.

Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Phan Tam speaks at the event.

To accelerate the project to complete national digital transformation by 2030 as well as to facilitate the formation of a digital economy, Vietnam’s ICT industry should make more innovations and breakthroughs.

Chairman of the Vietnam Radio-Electronics Association Tran Duc Lai said that domestic mobile broadband providers are pilot-running their 5G networks in several populous areas, and they will expand their 5G networks based on Vietnam-made core equipment later this year. Vietnam is now paying special attention to developing 5G applications in agricultural production, hi-tech industry, and Industry 4.0 technologies.

In his opening remarks, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Phan Tam said the world is entering the digital era. According to him, the world will see big changes in 10 years’ time. While the current physical world will be transformed to a virtual world, all social and economic activities will be digitalized, data will become important assets of each country, and life will be facilitated by Internet of Things (IoT) solutions.

“ICT now serves as the infrastructural foundation for a digital economy, digital society and digital government. From the perspective of the Ministry of Information and Communications, digital infrastructure includes broadband communication networks and the platforms of IoT, AI, Big Data, cyber security, personal identification numbers and online payment,” the deputy minister stated.

Scientific and technological development as well as innovation and digital transformation will help create strategic breakthroughs in the next 10 years. Following this path, Vietnam will become an industrial, high medium income nation by 2030, and a developed high income nation by 2045. To meet this end, the Ministry of Information and Communications should actively deploy commercial 5G services in Vietnam.

At the event, the outstanding providers of broadband & ISP and cloud computing services in 2021 were also announced.

Accordingly, VNPT-VinaPhone Corporation won the title “High-Quality Mobile Broadband Provider” and the title “High-Quality Fixed Broadband Provider.” Meanwhile, the Military-Run Telecommunication and Industry Group (Viettel) was presented the title “Mobile Broadband Provider with the Best Customer Services” and the title “Best Cloud Computing Software Provider.” Other broadband providers also received other awards.

Translated by Thu Nguyen