A view of the hand-over ceremony

This decision was to acknowledge Tai’s courageous act of saving a young girl during a landslide in Ha Giang in July.

Earlier, during a devastating landslide that occurred in the early hours of July 13 in Bac Me district of the Northern province of Ha Giang, which resulted in 11 deaths and 4 injuries, Nguyen Duc Tai, while en route to assist in restoring communication, bravely rushed into danger to save a 7-year-old girl. His brave actions exemplified the qualities of an "Uncle Ho’s soldiers" and the core values of Viettel of serving the people and standing by the people in all circumstances.

In acknowledgement of his brave act, in late August, Sr. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Tan Cuong signed Decision No.3912/QĐ-BQP, conferring the rank of Non-commissioned First Lieutenant on Nguyen Duc Tai.

Non-Commissioned First Lieutenant Nguyen Duc Tai

At the ceremony, Viettel’s Deputy General Director Dao Xuan Vu said, “This is the recruitment of not only a non-commissioned officer, but also an outstanding example and brave employee for Viettel. Examples like Nguyen Duc Tai should be popularized and honored."

Receiving the decision, Tai pledged to continue striving and improving himself to contribute to the development of the Vietnam People's Army in general and Viettel in particular.

The officer said that he never imagined that such a small action would receive such attention from the Ministry of National Defense and the leaders of Viettel because he believed that anyone in his situation would have acted the same.

Translated by Song Anh