Open policies
Vu Van Tri, Director of the Drug Rehab Facility 7 said that in the past admission time was fixed but now the facility admits drug-users 24/7. After being admitted, the drug-users are classified for treatment, medical care, and consultation. After medical treatment period, they are shifted to management areas where they enjoy consultation, education, vocational training, labor activities, refreshment...To achieve the best results during the time at the facility, the participants are managed in a way that they can learn, play, and work (therapist labor).
For “therapist labor” at this facility, the participant can work in welding or electronic sections in a spacious workshop nearby a lake, an ideal environment for them to recover their health.
Vu Van Tri said that the participants are allowed to work and learn new jobs at the workshop, the final stage before they are discharged and reintegrate into the community. This kind of labor is within the treatment methodology, helping the participants get rid of drugs and increase their income.
Fixing a fuse and some switches, Dinh Xuan Hoanh, 44, a participant from Hanoi, said that the staffs based on age, knowledge, ability, and health condition to assign jobs for each participant.
“I only work half a day, the rest time I play billiards, ping-pong, and relax. We are well cared,” said Hoanh.
The participants who work are paid openly. At the end of the month, they will receive a labor log which shows how much time they work. All participants can have a look at this log to check or raise feedbacks if something they think is wrong. After that, they participants will get paid, but not in cash. The amount of money they get will be recorded in a book so that whenever they want to buy anything at the canteen, they just need to inform the staffs of the facility. Those who want to send money home can receive cash and is supported to send home directly. This procedure is done in a transparent and democratic way.
“We don’t use cash at this facility but all payment and expense are recorded in a set of books. No money, no wrong-doings,” said Tri.
The democratic atmosphere is maintained as the facility established groups or councils so that the participants can voice their concerns in written documents. Monthly, the facility surveys to fix or overcome any shortcomings.
Second home
Implementing the State’s regulations, drug rehab facilities in general and the Drug Rehab Facility 7 in particular, well ensure the life of the participants. For example, the facility has different kinds of participants with various meal pricings. However, by actively doing extra farming or producing activities, all participants enjoy good quality meals despite low price.
Meeting relatives is also facilitated. Those who well observe regulations can even take leave as a motivation for others. Moreover, staffs at the facility is also outgoing and sincere with their participants. By doing so, the participants trust the staffs so that they share more about their concerns which help the staffs help them better.
Especially, the staffs of the Drug Rehab Facility 7 also keep an eye on and get updated about the participants even when they leave the facility. Therefore, if the participants get addicted again or have difficulties in find jobs, the facility will support them. With that effort, many participants consider the facility their second home. Many of them succeeded in getting rid of drugs and becoming useful citizens.
Since 2017, the Drug Rehab Facility 7 has admitted 793 drug-users, of which only 44 people have been under compulsory drug rehab. Importantly, 487 of them finished their rehab programs and reintegrated into the community.
Translated by Nam Long