On January 13, the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO) held a meeting to look back on the Paris Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam (the Paris Peace Accords).

Delegates at the event

The event was attended by 25 international delegates from 15 countries around the world, who directly and indirectly supported Vietnam during its resistance war, including the Paris Conference, as well as its cause of national construction and defense.

During the event, delegates recalled memories of those days when the Vietnamese people won victory, and shared experience so that next generations would preserve and promote the heroic traditions, and boost international solidarity for peace, social advancement, and sustainable development.

Mrs. Hélène Luc

Mrs. Hélène Luc was moved recalling the historic moment 50 years ago. Hélène Luc is a member of the French Communist Party (FCP), a Former Senator, Former Chairperson of the FCP’s Parliamentary Friendship Group in the Senate, Honorary President of the Franco-Vietnamese Friendship Association. She is Mr. Louis Luc’s wife, late Mayor of Choisy-le-Roi city in Val-de-Marne province.

At first, Vietnam’s negotiating team went to France and stayed at the Lutetia hotel, but it was too expensive. The FCP suggested the Vietnamese delegation stay at the FCP’s officer training school in Choisy-le-Roi. The Vietnamese delegation then stayed there for five years to negotiate for the Paris Peace Accords. During this time, Mrs. Hélène Luc and her husband, together with other FCP members, warmly welcomed and ensured security for the Vietnamese delegation.

Mr. Rabin Deb, a representative of the All India Peace and Solidarity Organization

“We guaranteed smooth communication for the Vietnamese delegation from Choisy-le-Roi to Hanoi. During the negotiation process, communication is very important. These communication devices were attacked many times by forces hostile to Vietnam. We also held activities to support Vietnam because Vietnam’s victory meant French and peace lovers’ victory,” added Mrs. Hélène Luc.

As a representative of the All India Peace and Solidarity Organization, Mr. Rabin Deb, who once participated in many movements in support of Vietnam, affirmed that the world was keeping a close watch on each move of Vietnam, a small country fighting against the most powerful empire in the world. He expressed his delight at the long journey that Vietnam passed through and reaffirmed the unchanged solidarity of international friends towards Vietnam over the past 50 years.

Delegates in a joint photo

History has proved that solidarity is the strength and the driving force to help all nations and peoples overcome difficulties and challenges. Especially, in the current complicated developments of world situation, international solidarity plays an important role. Nowadays, young generations are following their forefathers’ footsteps and continuing to support Vietnam.

George Burchett is the son of late famous reporter Wilfred Burchett, who made great contribution to disseminating information for the Western public to support Vietnam’s struggle for independence and reunification. Despite U.S. bombing, reporter Wilfred Burchett overcame difficulties to cross the Truong Son (Annamite) range and fierce battlefields in the southeast to write articles reflecting the Vietnamese resistance war against U.S. invaders. He also invited the assistant of the Editor-in-Chief of The New York Times to go to Vietnam to witness and reflect the U.S. invasion in Vietnam, paving the way for the movement against the war in the S-shaped country.

George Burchett’s love for the country and people has been nurtured as he was born and raised in Hanoi and affected by his father. George Burchett also made contribution to promoting solidarity and cooperation between Vietnam and Australia. During the event, he introduced many images featuring the heroic history of the Vietnamese people left by his father, so as to recall the great contribution of the forefathers to the nation’s peace, unification, happiness, and development.

Translated by Minh Anh