The press conference was jointly held by the Ministry of National Defense, the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, and Dien Bien province.

An overview of the press conference

The aim of this symposium is to affirm and make clear the great role and contribution of the armed forces and people, including ethnic minority people in the Northwestern region, especially those in Dien Bien province; and the support from international friends to the resistance war against the French colonialists. Scientists and researchers will look into the stature, significance, and cause of the Dien Bien Phu Victory; typical military art; lessons drawn, and promotion of gained experiences in current national construction and defense cause.

The symposium is expected to see the presence of Party, State and Ministry of National Defense leaders, some 500 delegates and reporters. Attentively, participating in the event will be three historical witnesses who had directly engaged in the historic Dien Bien Phu Campaign. They are Senior Colonel Nguyen Huu Tai, former head of the Division of Political Affairs of Regiment 209, Division 312 and former Deputy Director of the Department of Military Training under the General Staff; Sr. Col. Nguyen Quoc Thinh, ex-head of the staff of Regiment 88 of Division 308 and former Deputy Director of the Military Science Academy under the Ministry of National Defense; and Nguyen Tien Nang, former head of the volunteer youth squad in the Dien Bien Phu Campaign and former assistant to late Prime Minister Pham Van Dong.

Sr. Col. Tong Van Thanh speaks at the event.

Addressing the press conference, Sr. Col. Tong Van Thanh, Deputy Director of the Department of Political Education and Information under the General Department of Political Affairs, stressed that the Dien Bien Phu Victory was an important milestone in the history of national salvation of Vietnamese troops and people under the wise leadership of the Party Central Committee, headed by President Ho Chi Minh.

Translated by Mai Huong