The ceremony was attended by Hero of the People’s Armed Forces Lieutenant General Pham Tuan, former Political Commander of the Air Defense – Air Force Service and former Director of the General Department of Defense Industry; Major General Vu Hong Son, Deputy Commander of the Air Defense – Air Force Service; leaders of Thanh Tri district, and 80 historical witnesses and numerous war veterans and people.

At the event, delegates reviewed historical moments of Hanoi capital in general and Thanh Tri district in particular during the “Hanoi – Dien Bien Phu in the air” victory in late 1972.

Lieutenant General Pham Tuan and historical witnesses join the exchange program.

Deputy Secretary of the Thanh Tri District Party Committee and Chairman of the district People's Committee Nguyen Tien Cuong said that Thanh Tri was a suburban district that was fiercely attacked during the 12 days and nights at the end of December 1972. The U.S. air forces used B-52 aircraft to drop bombs on Van Dien townlet and the communes of Vinh Quynh, Tam Hiep, Tu Hiep, Ngu Hiep, and Dong My, to name but a few.

Under the enemy's bombs and bullets, the militia and self-defense forces delivered low-altitude fire to hit the attacking aircraft, creating conditions for the air defense and missile troops to destroy them at high altitudes, helping the troops consolidate the battlefield, load ammunition, and transfer ammunition for combat. At that time, the headquarters of Air Defense Missile Regiment 263 was located on the premises of Quang Phuc pagoda, in Thuong hamlet, Thanh Liet commune.

Lieutenant General Pham Tuan and historical witnesses at the event

After 1971, the headquarters of the regiment was handed over to Missile Regiment 257. Here, Regiment 257 directed affiliated battalions to fight in 12 days and nights in December 1972, shot down 11 B-52 aircrafts, eight of which fell on the spot, contributing to the "Hanoi - Dien Bien Phu in the air" victory.

At the event, Hero of the People’s Armed Forces Lieutenant General Pham Tuan, who directly participated in the “Dien Bien Phu in the air” campaign in 1972, shared his memories with delegates.

Also, the organizers handed over 80 gifts to historical witnesses.

Translated by Song Anh