The activity was held on the occasion of the 79th anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam People's Army (December 22, 1944 - 2023). Lieutenant General Tran Vo Dung, Political Commissar of Military Region 4, also joined the event. 

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau and the delegation laid wreaths, offered incense, and observed moments of silence to honor the sacrifices of the heroic martyrs, who sacrificed their lives for national independence and freedom as well as the peace and happiness of Vietnamese people, at the Truong Son National War Cemetery (the resting place of 10,263 martyrs), the Road 9 National War Cemetery (where more than 10,800 martyrs rest), and the special national historical site of Quang Tri Ancient Citadel. 

Below are some images of the delegation's activities:

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau (right) and Lieutenant General Tran Vo Dung performing the bell-ringing ritual at the Truong Son National War Cemetery
The delegation observing a minute of silence to pay tribute to the heroic martyrs at the Truong Son National War Cemetery
Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau offering incense to honor the heroic martyrs
The defense ministry delegation laying wreaths and offering incense to pay tribute to the heroic martyrs at the Road 9 National War Cemetery
Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau offering incense to honor the heroic martyrs at the Road 9 National War Cemetery
Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau presenting flowers to honor the heroic martyrs at the special national historical site of Quang Tri Ancient Citadel
The defense ministry delegation visiting the special national historical site of Quang Tri Ancient Citadel

Translated by Trung Thanh