The center yearly detoxifies some 350 to 500 people, mainly war veterans, and AO victims.

In addition, it regularly takes care of 15-20 AO victims, fosters 70-100 others in a part-time manner every year. Together with computing, tailoring, and embroidery skills, the center also provides AO victims with life skills and literacy through four training courses a year.

These meaningful and heartfelt activities of the center have partly helped ease pains of AO victims.

The People’s Army Newspaper would like to introduce several photos of the center’s caring and vocational training activities as follows.

Officials of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Association for AO Victims and the center inspect a sewing class for AO victims.
Veterans in a physical therapy in the specialized room
Veterans read newspapers in the community room.
The center’s staff gives medical care to veterans and AO victims after detoxification.

Translated by Mai Huong