His remains were discovered by a repatriation team from Military Region 2.

Son La holds burial service for the soldier's remains repatriated from Laos, December 20.

During the last months of the dry season of 2023, the team found a burial place for 11 martyrs in Nong Khiaw and Muang Ngoi districts, Luang Prabang province of Laos. Among them, there was martyr Ha Van Om, born in 1944, from Mam village, Chieng So commune, Song Ma district of Son La, who joined the military in February 1964, and died on January 19, 1968.

Speaking at the ceremony, Standing Vice Chairwoman of the Son La provincial People's committee Trang Thi Xuan, head of the steering committee for searching and gathering martyrs' remains, emphasized that during the years of long and arduous wars, Vietnamese volunteer soldiers fought, sacrificed for independence and freedom of the Lao people.

The feats and sacrifices of the Vietnamese martyrs contributed to enriching the golden history of the two countries, and at the same time tightening and making the special solidarity and ties between Vietnam and Laos.

Provincial officials and others attending the ceremony offered incense and flowers to express gratitude for the deceased.

Source: VNA