At the ceremony, authorized by State President, ADAF’s Deputy Political Commissar Major General Bui Tu Viet handed over the title of the Hero of the People's Armed Forces to Sr. Col. Mai Duc Toai and his family members. The title is the Party and State’s recognition of Col. Toai's significant contribution and efforts.

At the event

Comrade Mai Duc Toai was born in 1931 in Nga Thien commune, Nga Son district, Thanh Hoa province. He enlisted in the military on October 18, 1950, and was assigned to Battalion 130, Regiment 209, Division 312. In 1958, he was selected to be trained to fly the MiG-17 in China.

During his career, in any positions, Col. Toai demonstrated absolute loyalty to the revolutionary cause of the Party, the Fatherland, and the people; courageousness, wisdom, creativity, composure, and decisiveness. He achieved many outstanding feats-of-arm.

He was one of the first pilots in Vietnam, who was from the infantry, trained abroad, returned to fight alongside pilots at home. With will, determination, and wisdom, he and his comrades successfully repelled many U.S. aircraft over the skies of Hanoi, Hai Phong, Ninh Binh, Thanh Hoa, and the Northeastern and Northwestern provinces.

Notably, during his tenure as head of Company 1, Regiment 923, Division 371, he personally shot down two American aircraft, F-105 and A-4, and was awarded the Military Exploit Order and a Ho Chi Minh Badge by President Ho Chi Minh.

Sr. Col. Mai Duc Toai's family receives the title.

For his exceptional achievements during the resistance war against the U.S. imperialists for national salvation, on September 30, 2024, the State President signed a decision on awarding the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces to Sr. Col. Mai Duc Toai. This honor is a significant pride for the ADAF and Col. Toai’s hometown and family.

Translated by Tran Hoai