In particular, in T3 hamlet, 30 officers and soldiers from Thanh Hoa district Infantry Company and militiamen from the checkpoint in the border area of Thuan Binh commune helped the locals harvest 2 hectares of flooded rice.

Below are some photos of troops harvesting rice for local people

Flooded rice field
Troops of Thanh Hoa district Infantry Company help local people harvest two hectares of rice.
For many officers and soldiers, this is the first time they have harvested rice.
A soldier gathers harvested riced into bundles and puts them on a boat and then take them ashore.
Doing utmost efforts to help people harvest rice.
The militia force using large boats to bring rice ashore.
Immerse themselves in the water to harvest rice
Senior Colonel Nguyen Minh Tan, Deputy Political Commissar of the Long An provincial Military Command, and Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Trinh, Secretary of the Thanh Hoa district Party Committee, presenting gifts to troops and militiamen.

Translated by Quynh Oanh