On golden rice fields, border guard troops and local people are enthusiastically harvesting rice.

Due to geographical features, rice fields in Ten Tan are terraced ones, so machines cannot be used to harvest. However, thanks to border guard troops’ help, local people have completed the harvesting in just three days.

Harvesting rice is a regular activity of troops of the Border Post of Ten Tan Border Gate to help ethnic minority people ease production difficulties. Such a simple activity has contributed to enhancing the solidarity between troops and people, thus firmly protecting border areas.

Below are photos of troops of the Border Post of Ten Tan Border Gate harvesting rice for ethnic minority people.

Border guard troops and local people harvest rice on a terraced field.
Carrying rice from a field to gathering place
Operating a machine to pluck rice off the ears
Rice put on bags before being taken to locals’ houses

Translated by Tran Hoai