Meanwhile, welfare projects called on by border troops have contributed to raising life quality of local people and creating a new look for villages in border areas.

Early morning in Ta Pang

Contrary to our imagination of a remote area, Ta Pang village in Huong Lap commune, Huong Hoa district appears with the peace of stilt houses built on centrally planned plots of land and clean concrete roads.

The project “Light in border areas” in Ta Pang village

Attentively, the project “Light in border areas” inaugurated on March 3, 2023, has created a new look for Ta Pang village. Since electricity came to the village, people's lives have become more convenient. When night falls, thanks to solar power poles, Ta Pang village gets brighter in the middle of the forest.

In June 2023, HUDA BEER Company and BOSS BEER Football Team presented a freshwater well to Van Kieu people in Ta Pang village. However, after two test drills, the drill bit kept breaking because they encountered rocks, and no water vein was found. Knowing this situation, Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Cong Trinh, Head of Huong Lap Border Station, decided to build a tank and install pipes to bring water to the village.

The officers and soldiers of Huong Lap Border Station built the freshwater tank for local people in Ta Pang village by their own hands. Early in the morning, troops were present in the village to start the construction. The images of border troops carrying bricks and mixing mortar under harsh weather conditions won the hearts of local people.

In less than a month, the construction of a large water tank, two bathrooms, and two standard septic toilets was completed. Village patriarch Pa Dieu affirmed that no one can drive a wedge between Van Kieu people in Ta Pang and the border guard force. No one can make Van Kieu people lose trust in the Party, Uncle Ho, the local authorities and troops of Huong Lap Border Station.

Imprint of Cu Bai

Up to now, Cu Bai village (Huong Lap commune) has been the village with the most students graduating from high school, passing entrance examinations to universities and colleges in the border communes of Quang Tri province. Revolutionary traditions and traditional fondness of learning have motivated youths to study hard to become good citizens in society. Some of them have become military officers and non-commissioned officers who are working in the Quang Tri provincial Border Guard Command.

Welcome gate in Cu Bai village

In June 2023, Huong Lap Border Station mobilized the Truong Sa volunteer group named HQ 571/2014 to donate fund to build a freshwater project for local people in Cu Bai village at a total cost of VND 120 million. To reduce the expenses, troops of Huong Lap Border Station decided to do the construction part themselves, and the money donated by the volunteer group was used to buy materials.

On the occasion, Huong Lap Border Station called on benefactors to donate VND 30 million to build a welcome gate for Cu Bai village. According to village patriarch Ho Van Dong, who was born in Cu Bai, he has witnessed all changes of the village over time. He also expressed his delight at the development of the village. Freshwater tanks, drilled wells, and the welcome gate have contributed to creating a better living environment for local people and a new look for the village.

He shared that during wartime, people in Cu Bai village always heightened their resilience and bravery. During peacetime, they always place trust in the Party and work hard to promote socio-economic development and escape poverty. Moreover, local people have actively joined hands with troops of Huong Lap Border Station to firmly safeguard national sovereignty and border security.

Perhaps, the sentiments of the Van Kieu people are seen as an encouragement for border troops to do their best to build fresh water tanks and open literacy classes for local people. Up to now, many people can read, write, and do some simple calculations after six months.

Firm Ka Tieng

Ka Tieng is a border village of Huong Viet commune with Ta Rung sub-border gate. The geographical location partly helps people's lives become less difficult as they can visit relatives and exchange goods through sub-border gate. However, there remain potential risks to political security and social order and safety.

Happiness of women and children in Ka Tieng village with the drilled wells

On August 22, 2021, Tongleng Lo (born in 1990 in Sopna village, Viengthong district, Bolikhamxay province, Laos) and Thongvang (born in 1988 in Phonsaat village, Khamcot district, Bolikhamxay province, Laos) were arrested for drug trafficking. They transferred drugs to Vietnam - Laos border area in Ka Tieng village. Therefore, Huong Lap Border Station has paid more attention to building an all-people’s border posture and a people's security posture while promoting information dissemination to raise people’s awareness of law observance and creating favorable conditions for local people to raise their living standards.

In 2022 and 2023, a volunteer group in Thua Thien Hue built 12 drilled wells in nine villages of Huong Viet and Huong Lap communes. At present, all the wells are in operation.

With enthusiasm and high responsibility, Huong Lap Border Station has become a solid fulcrum for the Van Kieu people in the locality.

Translated by Quynh Oanh