The post manages 11.7km of coastline, a population of 17,208 people with the Khmer people accounting for 10 percent. The rate of poor households in the commune remains high.

Knowing difficulties facing the locality, Khanh Hoi Border Post’s Party Committee and Chain-of-Command has advised the local party committee and authorities to build the grassroots political system, develop socio-economy, and maintain social order and safety.

Troops of Khanh Hoi Border Post rebuilding houses for local people after a natural disaster

Alongside information dissemination about the Party’s guidelines and the State’s policies and laws, and border management and protection, the post has helped local people overcome consequences of natural disasters, conducted search and rescue, and supported the locals to stabilize their lives for economic development.

Since early this year, the post has organized 15 sessions providing the Party’s guidelines and the State’s policies and laws for 895 people, other sessions for 5,970 fishermen and 1,550 turns of households. The units has also teamed up with Khanh Hoi communal radio to disseminate information for people in the area three times a day.

Notably, the unit has raised money to build 12 houses: a “warm border house” valued at VND 60 million, a “great unity house” worth VND 50 million, and ten houses for local policy beneficiary households and national contributors, and other poor households in the locality with a total value of over VND 300 million.

Lieutenant Colonel Dinh Van Khen, Political Commissar of Khanh Hoi Border Post, said that stationed in a really disadvantaged commune, the post has regularly launched movements with active engagement of troops, promoting the relationship with local people. Thanks to that, local people have heightened responsibility in managing and protecting the borderline, and upholding local order and security.

Apart from political duties, Khanh Hoi Border Post well conducts social security work.

Saying thanks to the border guards for their support in overcoming aftermaths of the recent disaster, Nguyen Thi Lieu from Hamlet 1, Khanh Hoi commune, a recipient of the “warm border house,” promised to continue to develop household economy, observe and encourage other villagers to enforce the Party’s guidelines and the State’s policies and laws as well as accompany Khanh Hoi Border Post in the fight against crimes.

Although hardships remain, “green badge” soldiers of Khanh Hoi Border Post always keep and promote the good virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers with smallest good deeds and stay side-by-side with local people in the most difficult moments.

The force will continue working with local forces to strengthen patrols along the borderline to deal with any contingencies in a timely manner to ensure a peaceful life for local people. In addition, it will encourage local people to realize the Party and State’s policies, locality’s regulations, and do social security work to deserve to be a strong fulcrum for border people, stressed Lt. Col. Dinh Van Khen.

Translated by Mai Huong