During the program, many activities were carried out such as disseminating information about the coast guard force and the situation of Vietnamese sea and islands to more than 400 officials and teachers in the city. Besides, the organizing board also presented 40 gifts to heroic Vietnamese mothers, policy beneficiaries and needy households, and religious followers.

Inquiring after a policy household in the locality

At the same time, they also handed over 30 gifts and 30 bicycles to poor students with good academic outcomes in the city, and offered three televisions to local schools.

The contest “I love my national sea and islands” drew the participation of students from three secondary schools in the city.

Handing over bicycles to poor students with good academic outcomes

The program focused on State’s documents on national sovereignty over sea and islands, the Vietnam Coast Guard Law, and disseminating information about the bad effects of drugs, school violence, and raising the public’s awareness of patriotism.

These were meaningful activities aimed to promote patriotism and love for national sea and islands among participants, while raising their responsibility towards the cause of national construction and protection.

Awarding winners of the "I love my national sea and islands" contest

Concluding the contest, the organizing board presented one first, two second, three third, and four consolation prizes to the winners.

Translated by Minh Anh