The rice fields of A Tin village are located amid the majestic Truong Son range. The harsh weather, characterized by the scorching daytime temperature and frequent night-time downpours, coupled with the challenging terrain of steep hills and the lack of machinery, makes harvesting a difficult task for locals. Embracing the spirit of "Harvest as the rice ripens," 15 officers and soldiers of the Border Post of A Dot Border Gate arrived at the fields of A Tin village early in the morning to help people harvest their rice.

According to Major Vo Xuan Minh, Deputy Political Commissar of Border Post of A Dot Border Gate, this activity is part of the "Coming-to-the-village Day" program, which is held every weekend by the unit’s Youth Union chapter. During these events, troops march to villages and hamlets to assist residents with cleaning the environment, harvesting crops, and coordinating with local authorities and organizations to implement the construction and repair of civil works.

Troops transport farming tools to rice fields.
Harvested rice gathered at collection point
Troops assist locals in harvesting rice.
Troops help farmers thresh the rice.

Translated by The Minh