The program aimed to show border troops’ sentiments towards local people in border areas in Truong Son commune, Quang Ninh district, contributing to tightening the military-civilian solidarity.

The organizing panel presents ten sanitation projects to local people in villages of Truong Son commune.

During the event, the organizing panel handed over 10 sanitation projects, 2 ploughs, a rice threshing machine, a rice harvester, 30 rice harvesting cages, and 6 corn grain separators to local people in the villages of Co Trang, Da Chat, Chan Trong, Ben Duong, Thuong Son, Long Son, Lien Xuan, and Hong Son. 

In addition, the organizers presented ten feed choppers to the Women’s Union chapter of Truong Son commune and gave 44 gifts to disadvantaged children.

The locals from villages of Truong Son commune receive machines for agricultural production from the organizers.

Over the past time, Lang Ma Border Station has coordinated with local authorities, benefactors, and companion units to hand over 46 machines for agricultural production activities to local people in Truong Son commune and start the construction of 65 sanitation projects in the locality.

These activities have contributed to helping ethnic minorities change backward habits and lifestyles, apply mechanization to production activities to raise labor productivity and efficiency, protect the environment and to settle down their lives, thereby deepening close ties between the military and people and building a firm all people's border defense posture.

Translated by Chung Anh