According to Senior Colonel Phan Van Thi, Second-in-Command of the Quang Nam provincial Border Guard Command, functional forces were trying to approach and rescue Giang Anh 18 cargo ship.

Giang Anh 18 cargo ship is flooded with water. (Photo:

Reportedly, at 06:30 on March 24, Cu Lao Cham Border Post was notified that while en route from Hai Phong to Chu Lai, the cargo ship, carrying 2,960 tons of cement, was flooded with water, inclined 40 degrees left, at 15.54 degrees North latitude - 108.31 degrees East longitude. Nine fishermen and some 7,000 liters of diesel oil were on the ship. Immediately, the post sent five troops, one canoe to undertake the rescue mission.

Under the direction of the Quang Nam Border Guard Command, the post and the Naval Squadron 2 of the command tried their best to save the distressed fishermen and respond to oil spill.

At 15:00 the same day, the ship was about to sink and be grounded.

Troops from Cu Lao Cham Border Post approach the distressed ship. (Photo:

While all nine crew-members were taken to Cu Lao Cham Border Post safely and in good health conditions, the provincial functional agencies were using buoys to deal with oil spill when the ship sank.

The Quang Nam provincial border guard force also assigned a response team to the area where the distressed ship was stranded to handle possible incidents.

Translated by Mai Huong