Earlier on October 22, while transporting coal residues from Quang Ninh to Ha Nam province, Ship TB 1421, with three crew-members on board, went adrift due to engine failure on the estuary of the Van Uc river. Later, the ship was hit by waves into Go Dong. The water flooded into the ship’s compartments and sank the ship.

Ship TB 1421 in distress on Van Uc estuary

At 6:40 on the same day, Doan Xa border station received the mayday signal from Ship TB 1421’s captain.

Promptly, the station mobilized troops and vehicles to coordinate with relevant forces and trawlers nearby for a search and rescue mission.

The medical staff of Doan Xa Border Station give first aid to the injured crew-members.

At 7:50, the search and rescue force of Doan Xa Border Station approached the troubled ship and took two crew-members ashore safely. Previously, a crew-member was saved by a transport ship operating nearby and brought to Thai Binh safely.

At present, Doan Xa Border Station is working with relevant agencies to mark the location of the distressed ship and regulate maritime traffic passing through Van Uc estuary to avoid collisions while collaborating with the captain to find measures to rescue the sunken ship.

Translated by Song Anh