The boat is owned by Ngo Van Tho, born in 1976, residing on Nguyen Cong Tru Street, Ward 2, Vung Tau city, Ba Ria - Vung Tau province.

A military doctor of Ben Da Border Post checks the health of a fisherman.

Immediately after receiving the fishermen, Ben Da Border Post assigned its military medical personnel to check the health of the eight sailors and did necessary procedures to hand them over to fishing vessel BV 97209 TS. Simultaneously, they informed nearby vessels to search for the remaining two missing crew-members.

After that, the People's Committee of Vung Tau City and Ben Da Border Post organized a meeting to present gifts and support to the distressed fishermen and the families of the two missing crew-members. During the meeting, the People's Committee of Vung Tau city awarded gifts to the affected crew-members and the families of the missing crew-members, totaling VND 25 million. Also, Ben Da Border Post and the Women's Union chapter of the Ba Ria - Vung Tau Provincial Border Guard Command presented three gifts and money, worth VND 6 million in total, to them.

Translated by Chung Anh