According to Commanding Officer of Coast Guard Region 2 Major General Tran Quang Tuan, on February 22, trawler QNg 50730 TS, captained by Nguyen Van Tri in Binh Hai commune, Binh Son district, Quang Ngai province, sunk while fishing at sea. Upon receiving the information, the command sent two speed boats CSB 701 and 704 to conduct the rescue.

Fishermen having their health checked

Receiving order from higher levels, Major Mai Van Thang, First Lieutenant Pham Duc Dung, and sailors promptly completed all preparations and headed to the scene. After one hour 30 minutes struggling with the bad weather condition, the two speed boats reached the distressed trawler. Despite the danger, troops of Coast Guard Region 2 swam in the freezing cold sea water to rescue seven fishermen drifting at sea and take them ashore.

The Coast Guard Region 2 Command hands over fishermen to the Quang Ngai provincial Border Guard Command.
Fishermen receive gifts from the coast guard region.

The same day, the Coast Guard Region 2 Command presented gifts to fishermen and completed all procedures to hand over them and their trawler QNg 50730 TS to the local authorities of Binh Son district, Quang Ngai province. On February 23, all seven fishermen were reunited with their families.

Translated by Song Anh